Monday 11 October 2010

Planning and Research - Magazine Analysis - Kerrang!

Kerrang! Magazine

Bold, shattered grungy looking text, fits with audience of young adults, metal music fans. 

The colour scheme involves a lot of black, red and yellow, all energetic colours associated with danger or warning

Lead article:
My Chemical Romance, The lead singer is featured as the cover image, and the pull quote gives an idea of what happens in the interview. Most fans will want to know the ‘inside story’ of the albums, so this is a good selling point.
The name of the band isn’t just typed on in a normal font; they used the band’s new logo.

The language used on the skyline is quite forceful and aggressive, “You Me at Six Take Australia!” “Rob Zombie Terrifies America!” and The use of all caps across the magazine works with the colour scheme to make it quite an ‘in your face’ and exciting cover. 

There is an even spread of information across the cover, but the most important are in the left third. This is where the lead article is, and an image telling you that it is a collector’s cover, and there are 4 to collect. The magazine will be the same inside but feature a different member of the band on each one, to encourage the readers to buy them again.
If all the big fans did this, it would dramatically increase sales, so it’s a clever marketing pitch.

Along the bottom, there is a list of other bands that appear in the issue, encouraging readers who may not necessarily be fans of the band in the lead article to buy the magazine as well.

Contents Page

The colour scheme of the contents page fits in with the front cover, keeping in with house style, 
The contents is divided into sections under headings, such as 'News' and 'Live Reviews' with page numbers, making the page very user friendly, some of the bigger stories have got their own picture, drawing the reader's attention in

Double Page Spread

Again the bright colours and bold fonts are keeping with the house style, 

The spread is mainly picture led, with the band looking toward the reader, their poses full of attitude, and energy, which really appeals to their fans and the type of people who read this magazine. The clothes and hair are alternative and interesting too, something that a lot of metal fans will relate to and enjoy seeing.