Monday 13 December 2010

Mookychick is possibly the closest competetor as far as content and house style go, as they both


My magazine is a look at alternative music and culture. Its aimed mostly at a female audience, but avoids being girly. It will show that you can be tough and alternative, without having to act like a man. It will appeal to my audience, as it coveres a broad range of music and different styles. The house style is grungy and gothic.

Friday 10 December 2010


I chose this masthead because the font is reasonably feminine, without being over the top girly, and the name pretty much sums up the attitude of the magazine. Distorting the way that alternative culture is viewed, and the main audience of this particular genre of music.

Masthead Ideas

 A couple of name ideas and font choices

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Mood Board

After speaking directly to some people who fit my target audience, I found out some other things which I decided to incoperate into my mood board. I found that most of my target audience liked things like retro games, piercings and tattoos, and a lot of quirky, iconic, gothic things.